Tell us about your needs
Our solutions
Unlimited legal subscription Unlimited
No more hourly rates! As part of a flat-rate monthly subscription, externalegal assists you and handles all your recurring legal requests on an outsourced and unlimited basis (Recurring Interventions), with the exception of the one-off interventions listed below (Punctual Interventions), which will be invoiced on the basis of an estimate.
Interventions récurrentes :
- Droit des sociétés : immatriculation et suivi de la vie sociale (pacte fondateurs, pacte d’associés, statuts, approbation des comptes, convocations et PV d’assemblées générales)
- Droit des contrats : rédaction, revue et négociation de tout type de contrat commercial (contrats informatiques, contrats clients, contrats fournisseurs, contrats de partenariat, CGV, CGU, accords de confidentialité)
- Droit des marques : dépôt et stratégie de protection de marques, cession de droits d’auteur et de marques
- Droit social : rédaction et suivi des contrats de travail, assistance en matière de procédure disciplinaire, licenciements individuels, ruptures conventionnelles, transactions, élections du CSE, accords d’entreprises
- Précontentieux : recouvrement de créances, lettres de mise en demeure
Interventions ponctuelles :
- Levées de fonds
- Opération de restructurations (fusion, scission, TUP, apport partiel d’actif, etc.)
- Procédures judicaires, procédures opposition INPI
- Cession de fonds de commerce ou de droit au bail
- Mise en conformité RGPD, analyse d’impact, assistance audit CNIL
- Licenciements économiques
Transition Management
You need one-off legal assistance to support your development, cope with a surge in activity or strengthen your legal team?
xternalegal offers you dedicated on-site or remote intervention by a member of its team for a number of days per week, or per month, and for a period to be agreed.
The start and end dates of services, and the number of days of intervention, are defined in advance according to your needs.
Fees are fixed and determined in advance before the start of services.
Invoicing is carried out according to the agreed schedule.
One off
You don't want, or don't yet want, to take advantage of our subscription solutions. We can intervene on an ad hoc basis. Send us your request and we'll get back to you with a proposal.
The advantages of outsourced legal support
Proximity and availability
With externalegal, you benefit from a partner who is available to support you on a daily basis, as close as possible to your teams, in managing your legal needs.
Visibility and budgeting
Because we understand your budgetary constraints and your need for visibility, our fees are fixed and determined in advance before the services begin. Invoicing is done on a monthly basis.
We offer you the services of a specialist lawyer who can respond to your needs as closely as possible.
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