Subscription-based legal services for companies

132 Boulevard du Montparnasse 75014 Paris

01 34 87 62 94

Contract law

Omnipresent in business law, contract law governs the company's interactions with its customers, suppliers and partners. Externalegal lawyers assist you in the drafting and negotiation of your contracts.

1 - Commercial Contracts

 It is crucial for the security and sustainability of your business to ensure that the provisions of your contracts with your customers, suppliers and partners are drafted in order to ensure an effective protection of its interests.
Our lawyers are involved in the drafting and negotiation of your commercial contracts, whatever they may be:
-Sale contract
-Services contract
-Partnership Agreement
-Distribution Agreement
-Client contract
-Supplier contract
-Outsourcing contract
Following an audit of your contracts we are able to provide you with templates of contracts and clauses such as:
-liability provisions
-indemnity provisions
-intellectual property clauses
-warranty clauses

2 - General conditions

 Whether they are mandatory (when the offer of goods and services is addressed to consumers in a B2C relationship, or optional between professionals in a B2B relationship) the General Conditions of Sale are the foundation of the commercial negotiation. Thus, the provisions of the General Conditions of Sale must be carefully drafted in order to secure commercial relationships with clients.
Externalegal’s lawyers assist you in the drafting of your general conditions of sales.
We can also, when creating a website, assist you in the drafting of the website legal notice.

3 - Commercial Lease and real estate/property law

It is crucial, in order to control the development of your business, to perfectly secure the contracts relating to the premises and offices where you exercise your activity.

3.1 - Sale and Purchase of real estate

 Externalegal assists you in the following operations:
-sale and purchase of real estate: we advise you and assist you during the signing of your deeds of purchase and sale. As law professionals registered on the list of real estate transaction lawyers of the Paris Bar, we are competent, in both advisory and litigation matters. We are habilitated to pursue for our clients, purchase and sale of a real estate.
-co-property law : If you are subject to co-property law, Externalegal will inform you on your rights and obligations and will assist you if in case of dispute.
-Transfer of Business : we assist you throughout the procedure and more particularly in the drafting and negotiation of the deeds of sale.
-transfer of leasehold rights: whether you are the transferor or the transferee, we assist you in the event of a transfer of leasehold rights, until the signing of the transfer deeds.

3.2 - Commercial Leases

 A commercial lease is a contract by which the landlord leases a premise to a merchant (a lessee) in return for the payment of a rent.
Commercial leases are regulated under specific provisions of the French commercial code (code de commerce) which are partly of public order.
It is therefore important for parties to the commercial lease to understand which provisions are negotiable and those which are not.
We assist you in the negotiation of your commercial lease at the time of signature as well as at the time of its renewal and expiration:
-Term : minimum 9 years except for short term commercial contracts
-Entry and departure Inventory
-Use-of-premises clause that specifies permitted and prohibited activities
-Fixing of the initial rent
-Negotiation of the “Pas de porte”, i.e. the amount requested by the owner to compensate for the right to renew the lease
-Security Deposit
-Due Date for rent payment
-Expenses allocation
-Rent revision during the lease
- Sliding scale clause providing for a modification of the rent according to an index chosen by the parties
-Rent Cap
-De-capping of the rent
-Non-competition clause
-Exclusivity clause
-Warranty against hidden defects
-Termination of the lease by the tenant
-Termination of the lease by the lessor
-Resolutory clause
-Transfer of the lease with or without the business assets
-Sale of the rented premises

4 - Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

 In an economic and highly competitive context, it is necessary for companies to effectively protect their sensible information and strategies (methods, know-how, technical and financial information,...)
Externalegal advises you with regards to the protection of your confidential information and assists you in reviewing and negotiating your NDAs.

5- Technologies and IT Contracts

 Whether you are a user or a provider of IT, securing sound IT contracts is essential for the sustainability of your company.
Externalegal has a solid expertise in IPIT and assists you in the drafting and negotiation of :
- development of software
- software integration
- Third party application maintenance (TMA)
- software licensing
- Saas (Software as a Service)
- outsourcing