Subscription-based legal services for companies

132 Boulevard du Montparnasse 75014 Paris

01 34 87 62 94

Corporate law/ Business law

 Business is an adventure.
Externalegal’s mission is to assist your company throughout this adventure, from its beginning and at every stage of its development.

1 - Incorporation

 Externalegal’s lawyers assist you in the process of incorporating your company.

1.1 - Choice of the corporate form

  Each corporate form has its own specificities.
Externalegal helps you find a corporate form adapted to your needs and goals:
· société à responsabilité limitée (SARL)
· entreprise unipersonnelle à responsabilité limitée (EURL)
· société d’exercice libéral à responsabilité limitée (SELARL)
· société anonyme (SA)
· société par actions simplifiée (SAS)
· société par actions simplifiée unipersonnelle (SASU)
· société en nom collectif (SNC)
· société civile professionnelle (SCP)
· société civile immobilière (SCI)

1.2 - Legal, tax and social status of Executives

 Executive’s status is different depending to the corporate form. The tax regime applicable to the executive's remuneration and the applicable social security regime vary depending on the corporate form of the company. Externalegal advises you and gives you all the information you need to understand all these different legal, tax and social implications.

1.3 - Protection of intangible assets

 Carrying on a commercial activity implies the use of tangible assets (land, buildings, offices, factories, industrial equipment, machines and industrial tools, transport equipment, computer equipment) and intangible assets such as the software used by your company, the trademarks and patents registered by the company.
Externalegal assists you in protecting your intangible assets:
-choice of trademark and strategy for the trademark registration
-review of the software license agreements used
-review of the transfer conditions of intellectual property rights

1.4 - Employment Contracts

 Externalegal assits you in the study and understanding of the applicable collective agreement(s) and in identifying the provisions applicable to your employment contracts (job classification, working hours, minimum wages, etc.).
We assist you also in the drafting of employment contracts in compliance with the applicable regulations.

1.5 - Structuring of management package

  In order to retain and motivate key personnel, our team assists you in the implementation of equity compensation plans.
We have a well-known expertise with regard to:
·      Bons de souscriptions de parts de créateurs d’entreprises (BSPCE)
·      Attribution d’actions gratuites (AGA)
·      Bons de souscription d’actions (BSA)
·      plans d’intéressement (Manager Incentive)

1.6 - Articles of association and shareholders agreements

« Pacta sunt servanda ». Once the corporate form has been determined, it is imperative, in order to prevent conflicts between shareholders and to allow a sane development of the company, to agree in writing on the rules governing the relationship between the shareholders. 
Externalegal assists you in writing your articles of association and your shareholders agreements.

1.7 - Registration

Externalegal takes care of all the administrative tasks in relation to your company registration with the trade and company register as well as all advertising formalities.

2 - Company operations

 Our mission and satisfaction is assist your company in its development. Our offers are intended to make Externalegal a true partner of the company and its managers in its recurring tasks and obligations.
Our offer includes:
-assistance in the preparation of board meetings
-assistance in the invitation and the drafting of the minutes of ordinary and extraordinary general meetings
-Approval of accounts and regulated agreements (Assistance in drafting and validating management reports drawn up by the management and in the approval of accounts and regulated agreements).
-Statutory modifications (transfer of registered office, change of company name, change of legal representative, sale of shares, capital increase, etc)
-The drafting of current account agreements (conventions de compte courant d’associé)