Subscription-based legal services for companies

132 Boulevard du Montparnasse 75014 Paris

01 34 87 62 94


 The exponential growth in the number of regulations applicable to companies means that they must not only regularly check their level of compliance, but also keep a constant watch on new applicable regulations.

1 - Compliance: an obligation for some companies, a necessity for all

Initially applicable to large companies, particularly in the field of anti-corruption with the entry into force of the Sapin II law in July 2017, the obligation to comply also applies to smaller companies who remain liable in the event of non-compliance with applicable regulations on corruption or money laundering and who wish, in their relations with partners or customers, to be able to demonstrate their compliance.
To limit the risk of non-compliance, companies are required to :
- comply with all applicable legislation and regulations, particularly those of European origin
- adapt good business management practices
- implement and comply with ethical rules.
Externalegal can help you audit your level of compliance and draw up a compliance plan, particularly in the following areas:
-CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
-Personal data protection
-Competition law
-Fighting corruption and money laundering
-Fight against fraud
In particular, we can help you draw up ethical charters or codes of conduct to formalize your social, ethical and environmental commitments and practices.

2 - Sapin II

 With regard to compliance with the Sapin 2 law (applicable to companies with more than 500 employees and sales in excess of 100 million euros) Externalegal can help you draw up and implement the measures you are required to take as part of your duty of vigilance, including:
- Drawing up and adopting a code of conduct defining and illustrating the types of behavior to be avoided as likely to constitute corruption or influence peddling.
- Internal whistle-blowing system designed to enable employees to report the existence of conduct or situations contrary to the company's code of conduct.
- Risk mapping in the form of regularly updated documentation designed to identify, analyze and prioritize the risks of the company's exposure to external corruption-related solicitations, based in particular on the business sectors and geographical areas in which the company operates.
- Procedures for assessing the situation of customers, first-tier suppliers and intermediaries with regard to risk mapping
- Internal and external accounting control procedures to ensure that books, records and accounts are not used to conceal corruption or influence peddling.
- Training programs for managers and staff most exposed to the risks of corruption and influence peddling.
- Disciplinary system enabling company employees to be punished for breaches of the company's code of conduct
- Internal control and assessment of measures implemented